Reise Trip Tours

  • Elodie guide conférencière
  • Escapade dans les lavandes
  • Randonnée dans la garrigue
Elodie guide conférencièreEscapade dans les lavandesRandonnée dans la garrigue


Well-being and Nature escapes in Provence
The perfect combination of Culture, Nature and Wellness
ReiseTrip Tours is a juxtaposition of the German word "reisen" = "journey" and the English word "trip".
The concept? To organise immersive excursions and walks in Provence combining culture, nature and well-being, thanks to exclusive partnerships.
Elodie, the founder, works together with craftsmen, farmers, skippers and yoga instructors. Each tour is available in four languages: German, English, French, Italian and Spanish. ReiseTrip Tours is committed to sustainable, local and responsible tourism, focused on the well-being of participants. Experience meditative walks on coastal paths, hike in the footsteps of Cézanne in the hills of Provence, discover organic farming in Haute-Provence, learn to recognise wild plants on botanical walks, rediscover the natural heritage of the suburbs, and be swept away by storytelling on a sailboat as you soak up the myths and legends of Provence. Get to know our region's natural and cultural heritage, learn about its ecosystems while you reconnect with your senses.
Période(s) d'ouvertureFrom 23/02 to 30/11/2024.
  • Type :
    • Service providers
  • Detailed types :
    • Tourism service provider
    • Activity providers
  • Pedestrian sports :
    • Pedestrian sports
    • Hiking
  • Nature :
    • Botanical
    • Fauna - flora
    • Agricultural
  • Discovery and knowledge :
    • Discovery
  • Client profile :
    • Groups
    • Client profile
  • Fitness and wellbeing :
    • Yoga
    • Fitness and wellbeing
  • provider accreditation :
    • Conference guide
Facilities & Services
  • Sustainable development :
    • Label sustainable development
    • Ecotourism


  • Payment methods :
    • Cheque
    • Cash
Reise Trip Tours
domaine Les Grandes Marges, route de Manosque
Phone : +33649858274
mail / message
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  • Spoken language(s) :
    • French


Reise Trip Tours
domaine Les Grandes Marges, route de Manosque
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 43.523311
Longitude : 5.445099